Distance between two points / coordinates
and Longitude in the formula must be radians, example: Lat1 = Lat1 * PI / 180
6378.137 is diameter of earth in kilometers
(WGS84 datum). Use: 3963.191 for miles.
PI = 3.14159265358979323846
Lat1 = Lat1 * PI / 180
Lon1 = Lon1 * PI / 180
Lat2 = Lat2 * PI / 180
Lon2 = Lon2 * PI / 180
D = 6378.137 * ACos( Cos( Lat1 ) * Cos(
Lat2 ) * Cos( Lon2 - Lon1 ) + Sin( Lat1 ) * Sin( Lat2 ) )
If your programming language or application does
not have
ACos function,
maybe has
Atn, use the following formula instead to calculate via
mathematical function.
Provide Latitude and Longitude as decimals, no
need to convert them to radians.
D = 6378.137 * Atn( Sqr( ( 1 - ( Sin( Lat1 / 57.29577951 ) * Sin(
Lat2 / 57.29577951 ) + Cos( Lat1 / 57.29577951 ) * Cos(
Lat2 / 57.29577951 ) * Cos( Lon2 / 57.29577951 -
Lon1 / 57.29577951 ) ) ^2 ) ) / (Sin ( Lat1 / 57.29577951 ) * Sin(
Lat2 / 57.29577951 ) + Cos( Lat1 / 57.29577951 ) * Cos(
Lat2 / 57.29577951 ) * Cos( Lon2 / 57.29577951 -
Lon1 / 57.29577951 ) ) )
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